
Tenant satisfaction measures

The Regulator of Social Housing has launched a new system for assessing and measuring how well housing landlords in England are doing at providing good quality homes and services.

New Tenant Satisfaction Measures were introduced by Government on 1 April 2023 and are designed to help to monitor how well landlords are doing at providing quality homes and services, and to understand how they can make improvements.

As part of the new measures, we will be required to collect and share data on how we are doing at completing repairs, keeping homes safe, and engaging with our customers – and we need your help with this.

More about the Tenant satisfaction measures

We will be contacting all of our tenants each year, asking you to complete a tenant satisfaction survey.  By completing a tenant satisfaction survey, you will help us to find out where we are doing well as your landlord and where we need to improve.

Please take this opportunity to have your say. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. It doesn’t matter if you’ve only just moved into your home or don’t use all of the services discussed.  It is important that we hear everybody’s views. 

Results from this survey will be used to calculate annual Tenant Satisfaction Measures which will be published in Autumn 2024.

All of your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence and will only be used to monitor the quality of the Housing Service provided to you by Warrington Housing Association.

If you have any questions or if you need the survey in a different format like large print, easy read, British Sign Language, braille or translating into another language, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Support Team on 01925 246810 or e-mail who will be happy to help you.

Click HERE to complete the 2024/25 survey.

Tenant Satisfaction Measure results for 2023/24

Read our summary of approach for 2023/24.

TSM Satisfaction KPIs WHA Results 2023/24WHA Target 2024/25Peer Group Median 2023/24
(TP01) Tenant overall satisfaction with the service their landlord provides85.12%86%85.06%
(TP07) Tenant satisfaction that the landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them76.92%80%80.81%
(TP03) Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair86.62%90%87.06%
(TP06) Tenant satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them72.18%73%74.09%
(TP08) Tenant agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect 85.90%86%87.45%
(TP10) Tenant satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained 73.89%80%82%
(TP11) Tenant satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods64.47%65%74.5%
(TP05) Satisfaction that the home is safe88.51%90%88.11%
(TP04) Satisfaction that the home is well maintained86.95%90%86.38%
(TP09) Tenant satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling complaints44.44%50%49.07%
(TP02) Tenant satisfaction with repairs90.53%91%90.02%
(TP12) Tenant satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour56.02%60%68.25%

Annual TSM Technical Measures:

TSM Technical KPIs WHA Results 2023/24WHA Target 2024/25Peer Group Median 2023/24
Gas safety checks100%100%100%
Fire safety checks (fire risk assessments)100%100%100%
Asbestos safety checks100%100%100%
Water safety checks (legionella risk assessments)100%100%100%
Lift safety checks100%100%100%
Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard0%0%0%
Repairs completed within target timescale - Emergency95.30%100%96.7%
Repairs completed within target timescale – Non-emergency98.01%95%92.2%
Number of complaints relative to the size of landlord - Stage 148.15520.35
Number of complaints relative to the size of landlord - Stage 26.370
Complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales - Stage 186.8%100%94.12%
Complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales - Stage 2100%100%100%
Anti-social behaviour cases relative to the size of the landlord – All cases 48.971016
Anti-social behaviour cases relative to the size of the landlord - Hate Crime cases000

In order to drive forward efficiency and value for money, each year we set targets based on the previous year’s performance and in comparison to other “peer” organisations, similar in size and nature to WHA.

Our overriding target is to “to deliver a financially strong and well managed business, fit for today and prepared for tomorrow achieve sector leading performance across all key indicators.”

We recognise that we can’t do this overnight but year on year we are looking to improve. Performance is reported to Board quarterly and we have also established eight high level key targets for staff which are reported monthly and detailed below.


Our Homes – Compliance

Each quarter we report to our Board on the nine main areas of compliance with legislation in relation to gas, fire detection, electrical safety, legionella, asbestos, lifts, ground contamination and flooding. As one of these elements of compliance, gas safety is a good indicator of how we are performing generally, and last year we maintained 100% compliance, and we need to continue to do this to remain within the law and to keep our customers safe.

By the end of March 2025, we will have maintained our 100% performance record and we will also track our performance where we have managed to obtain gas certs at least 42 days before their expiry.

Our Homes – Average repairs completed on time

Next to staffing costs, maintaining our homes is the largest area of expenditure for WHA and we pride ourselves on our performance to carry out our repairs service within our targeted response times of 21 days for routine repairs, 2 days for urgent repairs, and 1 day for emergency repairs.  In 2021/22, our annual average for repairs being completed on time was 94.09%.

By the end of March 2025, we want the average percentage of repairs to be completed on time to be no less than 100%.


Our Viability – Empty Properties

We are fortunate to have a very high quality and well-maintained housing stock, but each year, about 80 of our properties will become empty and have to be re-let. For every day they remain empty the Association loses income. Last year, for example, rent lost through empty properties cost the Association £9,778.91 with each property being empty for an average of 13.83 days.

By the end of March 2025, we want to ensure the average number of days our properties are empty is less than 15 days.


Our Viability – Rent arrears

At the end of last year, our customers owed us £271,223.39 (4.48) in rent arrears. It’s the rent we receive that pays for the vast majority of the services we deliver from subsidising our social value activities, helping pay for new homes, repairs and maintenance, and the wages we pay our staff. Rental income is our life blood and with the challenge of Universal Credit and Welfare reform generally it’s important that we retain our focus on income.

By the end of March 2025, the amount of money owed to WHA through rents will be no more than 4%.


Our Customers

Each year we are required to complete an Association-wide satisfaction survey to ensure we are capturing our customer’s feedback on the services we provide and the full table of results can be found below.

The “Customer satisfaction with the overall service provided” indicator allows us to directly compare different aspects of our service and also allows us to compare ourselves with other organisations inside and outside the sector.  Our result for 2023/24 was 85.12%

By the end of March 2025, we will continue to act upon our customer’s feedback and achieve a satisfaction score of 86% which we achieved through our surveys in 2024/25.


Our Social Value

We use a range of indicators to demonstrate the Social Value we add each year as both a direct and indirect impact of the work we do. This might range from assessing the cost saved from all the volunteer work our customers undertake, to calculating how much employment we create locally through to our own staff and the services we buy in from others.  As well as producing Social Accounts for this area of the business,, the two of the high-level targets we want to focus on to help demonstrate our social value are:

Volunteer support – We like to encourage volunteering, be that through our customers who give up their time on our scrutiny panel, through to the volunteer programme we have in LifeTime which encourages people to be active and involved. Last year, the cash value of the volunteers that supported us across WHA amounted to £79,810.50. This year we want to achieve no less than £80,000.

Tenants benefiting from our services in Lifetime – During the year 26% of WHA customers over the age of 50 have benefitted from attending and participating in the activities of our Lifetime service and we aim to increase this to 30% by March 2025.


Our Colleagues – Colleague Sickness

Sickness can be a significant cost to any organisation, it is also often a good barometer of staff engagement. Last year, we lost £47,979.31 due to colleague sickness which is lower than average and attributed to the increased level of working from home for colleagues.

By the end of March 2025 we want to ensure our cash loss though sickness does not exceed a maximum of £35,000.


“Thank you so much for your help in getting me set up in my new home” 

Anonymous – WHA Resident

“We’re really grateful for the excellent service we received from Warrington Housing Association’s Money Adviser and the extra money has made a big difference, helping us hire a gardener and be able to go to LifeTime more often where we enjoy singing in the choir”

Mr & Mrs Holland – WHiA Customers

“I’m so grateful to Warrington Housing Association for reaching out to me to make sure I’m claiming my full benefit entitlements”

Ms Heseltine – WHA Resident

“We couldn’t have navigated the benefits system without the fantastic help we received from Warrington Housing Association’s Money Adviser”

Andrew & Eileen – WHA Residents

“I felt like a big weight had been lifted off my shoulders and that I had somebody on my side”

Barbara, WHA resident

Warrington Housing Association 

Contact Us

Tel: 01925 246810

Warrington Housing Association, the Gateway, 89 Sankey Street, Warrington, WA1 1SR
